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Top quality private label health care supplements producer

Marie Poppins 0

Looking for the best quality private label nutritional supplements manufacturer? A perception of professionalism and competence also goes along with having your private label. When a new patient walks through the door and sees the supplements in your dispensary are all carrying your practice name on the label, the first thing they probably think is, “this doctor must be very good with nutrition and supplements.” Honestly, if you were not well versed with dietary supplements and its application to improving the health of your patients, you would likely never consider having a private label in the first place.

Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of dietary supplementation since our bodies need them in order to develop and function properly. Because of this, private label vitamins and minerals will be an integral part of every major private label product line. Private Label Express brings you an impressive selection of white label and private label vitamins and minerals with fast and consistent product delivery.

The Story of Gummies: Gummies have been around longer than most people think, with the first examples appearing at the end of the 1990’s. Those early uses of gummies were focused on use as a child-friendly solution for nutrients, it is only in the last decade where they have been seen as an alternative to traditional tablets or capsules for adults. The first adult focused modern gummies appeared in 1997, and they have grown in popularity ever since. We may think of them as part of the industry today, and find it difficult to imagine nutrition without them, but in that short time gummies have become remarkably popular. The gummy market is seeing rapid growth, with 25% year on year gains in the US supplement market alone.|Custom gummy vitamin product: We are experienced gummy vitamin manufacturers, combining the right balance of ingredients to produce a rather satisfying soft texture to our gummies. Our gummy supplements are custom made to satisfy an array of consumers with dietary restrictions and allergies. Many of which can be made free of: dairy, soy, egg, gelatin, nuts, and artificial dyes. Because gummy vitamins are easier to ingest, and they taste like candy, young and old consumers prefer them over pill-like supplementation. View our Private Label Gummies Page! Discover more information on private label supplements.

Not sure which one is right for your brand? Consider the following: White Label (Stock) Supplements. If you’re seriously considering entry into the supplement industry, and it’s your first time doing so, consider the use of market-validated stock supplement first. This option is best for the vast majority of sellers exploring a new product option. Any type of white label gummy supplements are perfect for those who are testing the viability of this new supplement to their target audience – the minimum order quantities are lower and the turnaround time on reorders is very fast, so you will not need to order as much as if you had decided to proceed with a custom formulation. Ultimately this leaves you little more flexible and better prepared for any surprises that may occur within the course of your new product campaign. This extra flexibility can be invaluable to your new gummy product’s continued supply chain stability.

Competitive Pricing: We are a high volume nutraceutical manufacturer and have some of the lowest COGs in the industry, our aggressive volume pricing will give you the decisive edge. Highest Quality Products: Our high quality, pharmacy grade products, exceed the industry standard and are produced at our GMP Certified, FDA-inspected facilities, this ensures that your brand will be held in the highest regard. The choices are yours to make, and we are here to help. Power your brand with our seasoned and experienced team of highly skilled formulators, purchasers, marketers, and business development professionals – each one here to help your brand make it to the top and stay there. See additional info at supplement manufacturing.