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High quality teeth whitening starter kits wholesale Australia today

Amelia Whitehart 0

Premium teeth whitening products and supplies in Australia 2022? Would you like to enter a multi-billion dollar glamour industry at a price you can afford and have your outlay back in weeks? Would you like to be your own boss, earn over $100 per hour and work your own hours? Teeth whitening is a multi-billion industry and one of the fastest-growing. These days more consumers choose to have cosmetic teeth whitening done in a salon, spa or by a mobile technician than at the dentist. Celebrity Whitening has the advantages of a franchise with none of the fees or restrictions. It’s your business to operate as you please with help and support when you need it. You pay nothing except for the equipment and the products you use. Read additional information at teeth whitening products and supplies wholesale Australia. Our Australian compliant teeth whitening gels are safe and effective. Our peroxide treatment packs contain enough gel to offer your client a triple treatment. For most clients, this will produce maximum results in one visit. We offer the highest grade and strongest teeth whitening gels available in Australia. Celebrity Whitening offer teeth whitening products for salons, dentists and mobile technicians. We supply the industry with everything from complete business start-up kits to individual products. If you want to start your own business we can assist you with training, promotional material and supply everything you need to get started. We pride ourselves on offering the latest easy to use products and the highest level of service in the industry.

Tooth-whitening strips will help get rid of tooth stains. These strips are very thin, virtually invisible, and are coated with a peroxide-based whitening gel. You wear them a few minutes daily for a week or more. Results are visible in just a few days, and last at least a year. The results with strips are not as dramatic as with whitening kits, but the strips are easy to use and pretty much foolproof.

Whitening gel must be kept away from soft tissue. A common side effect of teeth whitening is soft tissue irritation. This usually happens when the whitening solution gets on the gums. You might ingest a bit of the gel in take-home whitening kits, which can cause nausea or vomiting. Be cautious to spit out any gel on your teeth.

The Celebrity Whitening process is the most simple and effective teeth whitening treatment available. There is no need for gum barriers, pre-foams or desensitising gel making it the safest, gentlest and most cost effective teeth whitening treatment you can offer. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure which is non-medical. Most dentists don’t actually perform the whitening treatments themselves; very often it’s an assistant. Dentists don’t receive any university training in teeth whitening they only receive vendor training such as ours. At no time does a technician touch the client’s mouth or perform any dental procedure or diagnosis. Discover more information at

Give up smoking. Smoking causes staining to your teeth. The stain from smoke is sometimes a superficial stain that can be polished off, but it can also soak deep into the enamel. Smoking also damages healthy gums, causing them to recede and develop large pockets around the teeth. This makes teeth appear longer and creates dark spaces between them. Smoking also makes it very difficult to reverse gum disease. Limit your coffee, tea, and red wine. Drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine are known for staining teeth. Similar to smoking, these drinks can build up a superficial stain that your dentist or hygienist can polish off. But they can also cause internal staining of your tooth enamel.