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Wood-based heating and fuel products firm in the UK

Marie Poppins 0

Wood-based heating and fuel products company 2022? How to Kiln Dry Firewood: Place your firewood industrial kiln, set it to a temperature of between 60 °C and 80 °C, and set the industrial fan to a high setting. The drying process will take between 4 and 7 days, depending on the tree species. Firewood should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place. Ideally, this would be a covered outdoor wood shed or a dry garage. Kiln-dried firewood can also be stored indoors as the oven drying process will kill off any insects or mould that it could be contaminated with it. How Much Is Firewood? If you live in an apartment with a single wood burner and use kiln dried logs, a single winter’s worth of firewood will cost you £420. A full UK heating season’s worth of fire wood will cost you £840. Discover extra info at

The UK energy crisis saw the prices of gas and electric heat reach record highs. More new log burners were installed in 2021 than in any other year in recent history. And most wood fuel suppliers, Lekto included, found it a lot more difficult to keep enough product in stock rather than actually selling the product. Due to the high price of petrol and electricity, the process of turning that raw material into Ready to Burn firewood and briquettes also became more expensive. And yet we managed to keep the prices roughly where they were before the energy crisis. As recently as February of this year, a kilowatt-hour of wood heat from Lekto cost as little as 10p/kWh. Note that this calculation was made during the most expensive part of the heating season and without including any discounts.

When camping in undeveloped sites, it’s always recommended to check with the agency that administers the land you’re on. In many cases, you will only be allowed to start fires in certain parts of the land. In some cases, you may need to get a camping permit. And sometimes you might discover that you cannot start a fire on the site at all. Once you get your okay from the relevant agency, it’s important to find the right site. Avoid brushy territory or areas with low-hanging branches as fly-away embers can quickly ignite a wildfire. Once you’ve found the approximate area you want to camp at, locate an existing fire ring instead of building a new one and clean it before leaving.

Do I Need a Log Moisture Meter? Before we discuss anything else, let’s figure out whether you personally need a wood moisture meter: If you order your firewood or heat logs several times a year and store them indoors, then chances are you don’t need to purchase a wood moisture meter. If you buy your wood fuels in bulk and store them for a long time, it is also highly recommended that you get one for moisture control purposes. And it does without saying that, you absolutely do need a moisture meter if you season your own logs.

You can be fined for starting your fire too close to a neighbour’s home or a fence (if they file a complaint). You can also be fined for burning material that produces a lot of smoke (e.g. low quality wood). So make sure you use good quality firewood from a trusted Ready to Burn certified store. The police can get involved if you let your smoke drift over a public road and impair road visibility for drivers. They will also be forced to get involved if you burn anything that creates dangerous fumes. So make sure you don’t burn any plastics, treated wood, or household rubbish. See this article for more information on what you can and can’t burn.

Lekto Woodfuels Ltd is a family company founded with an aim to simplify the existing wood fuel market for customers. We focus on making the wood fuel purchase process less overwhelming, easier, faster, and more pleasant. We are devoted to providing our customers with the finest wood fuels available. This is accomplished by employing our knowledge of the wood fuel industry, and carefully following wood fuel industry developments, not only on a national level, but also with the rest of Europe.

How To Start A Fire With Wood? The best way to start a fire is using the top-down fire lighting method. Place your firewood at the bottom of your wood-burning stove, fire pit, or campfire site. Stack your kindling in a grid or pyramid shape on top of the firewood, leaving enough space for adequate airflow. Then place one or two firelighters on top of your kindling and use a match or lighter to set them on fire. Your firelighters will set the kindling on fire. The kindling, in turn, will set your firewood on fire.