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Top data cloud security advices

Amelia Whitehart 0

Exceptional identity cloud security tips and tricks{||| today| right now| 2022| from SonraiSecurity? Identity is the new perimeter. Sonrai makes sure your perimeter has no holes. Sonrai is the only source for comprehensive intelligence on identity-to-data pathways at the enterprise scale. Our proprietary, big data analytics engine continuously updates every complex path an identity has used or could use to access data — no matter how many relationships and inheritances are involved — to offer visibility that’s always rooted in full context and actionable understanding. Sonrai gives you a clear picture of all activity, all relationships, and all identities in your cloud. See everything, connect everything, and build a solid foundation for your cloud security. Find more information at Out-of-the-box remediation: Advanced workflow capabilities and a library of custom remediation and prevention options – including prebuilt and custom bots – mean things get fixed fast.

Reveal every path to your data. Lock down every over-privileged identity. Identity is the cloud’s perimeter, and it’s complex. Secure your cloud with Sonrai and gain a single source of truth for every identity’s permissions and all possible access to sensitive data. Reveal every identity right and always know what’s changed! Sonrai’s log inspection and API monitoring provide a full inventory of identities and record of all recent activity. Immediately identify excessive or unused permissions and detect anomalies before they turn into critical risks.

Know where your data is. Know who can access it. Know it’s locked down. In cloud, the perimeter is your identities, and it’s important to block potential entry points for breach. But the path to sensitive data must also be protected. Sonrai ensures sensitive assets are best protected using an inside-out, data-centric approach that understands your unique data and enables quick and simple defense of critical resources. Locate, track movement, and classify every bit of data.

Customers are taking action – according to the Forrester study, by 2023 82% of firms say they will have invested in cloud infrastructure entitlement management solutions. Customers in the study see machine learning, automation, and DevOps integration as key to addressing this complexity and we at Sonrai wholeheartedly agree. We also believe that to get the true risk picture of their public cloud, organizations require context beyond just the identities themselves, and need to connect identities with business data, overall platform risk through CSPM, and workload security. In addition to this context-based risk picture, the methods for managing the risks also need to evolve. Only through the use of intelligent workflows and automation, can security move both at the speed, and the scale of the cloud. When working in this new model, we believe that organizations can achieve a level of security in the cloud, using the cloud, that was never before possible.

Vulnerability prioritization for VMs and containers requires going beyond age, CVSS score, and exploit status. Sonrai Risk Amplifiers leverage the sonrai identity graph to highlight vulnerabilities with access to administrator privileges, access to sensitive data, or connected externally. Deploy Sonrai’s lightweight agentless scanner for workload insights without heavy cloud resource requirements – or enrich the Sonrai platform with existing scanner data. Find additional details on