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Brand communication on social media solutions from Edan Gelt right now

Amelia Whitehart 0

Top rated video social marketing strategies from Edan Gelt: Since the Coronavirus outbreak, this leaning toward the building of consumer trust is amplified. Leading brands and companies are now placing less emphasis on selling by the quality of their product and more on building a trusting relationship with their consumers. For example: Southwest: Announced leaving the middle seat open at the start of the pandemic and has stayed true to this commitment through November 30. Tesla: The electric car manufacturer switched some of its production lines to build ventilators, which they subsequently donated. Anheuser-Busch: Converted some manufacturing lines to produce sanitizer during the shortage. Find additional information at Edan Gelt.

It’s easier to keep your customers happy than it is to get new ones. Outside of your current customers talking about your product and business, it is essential for you to continue to increase new customers. Once you have won your customer over with your free offer, they are more likely to upgrade and spend more if they like what you offer. Retained customers buy more often and spend more than first time customers. Once customers learn the value of your product they come back again and again. Brands that attract new users with a free offer forge new relationships. Long-term these relationships translate into valuable brand awareness, increased sales, loyalty and an unprecedented ROI.

Free is one of the most powerful tools available for customer acquisition if done correctly. By offering a free sample, businesses get customers to try a product without putting up a price barrier, while the customer gets a ‘free’ item while not having to gamble a portion of their budget on a product they may not even like. Knowing this, brands should happily eat the costs associated with free. For more social media and brand communication tips – follow Communication Strategist Edan Gelt and her recent blog series –

When starting out you will need to choose a social media platform to broadcast your content and this means knowing your audience and where to find them. For example, if your audience is interested in the beauty industry and loves to watch hair and make-up tutorials then maybe podcasting isn’t for you and it would be best to stick with Instagram or YouTube. Business guru and YouTuber Vanessa Lau advises not to get caught up in “shiny object syndrome”, trying to launch your brand across a multitude of platforms and waste time pitching to irrelevant audiences. Two or three platforms suitable to your brand is adequate to diversify your content but also guard against stretching yourself too thin by managing too many social media accounts at once. Find more details on

Real Estate agent? Take your clients on a virtual ride with you through the streets of a neighborhood and talk about why you’re the area expert. You can touch on school district borders, housing market stats, or even the current night-life. Virtual open-houses have become highly popular during the pandemic so show your clients a listing. You can even have your clients play a game of car-pool karaoke on your next showing and let your playful personality shine through. Testimonials live from clients would also be a great feature.

Consumers and business leaders are suffering from unprecedented stress and uncertainties. With the lockdowns and restrictions coming and going and economic uncertainty hanging over everything. In this climate, brands are having to be more sensitive in their communication strategies. The last thing anyone wants to see right now is an advertisement full of smiling revelers having the holiday of a lifetime. While the rest of us are stuck at home worrying about our health, jobs and when we will get to see families and friends next.

Network: This is the easiest and most effective way to market on a dime. Learn how to mix and mingle at work events, conferences, virtual calls, lines at a coffee shop even your kid’s school functions. Traditional old-fashioned networking can go a long way to getting your name out there. When you put a face behind the business or brand it goes a long way. Challenge yourself – try to introduce yourself and your brand to at least 3 new people a week.

Let’s compare the data above to a home seller looking for a lawyer or real estate agent. Starting at the top of the sales funnel – you send out emails, advertise on Facebook, sponsor local events, hand out a card at Starbucks, or a potential client got your name from a friend of a friend. What’s the next step? It is highly likely they will search your name on Google. What happens next is up to you. For those in the real estate industry – Google, Redfin and sometimes Yelp are the keys to your future. Let’s start with Google. See additional information at

3…2…1…ACTION It’s game time and there is no fancy equipment required. Are you ready to film? Just take out your handy phone, iPad or computer and let’s start rolling! Depending on the type of content you are looking to share, you can record 1-minute clips straight through or you can film individual segments and patch them together with film editing software such as iMovie, Open Shot, Movie Maker 10 and more. If you’re not handy with editing, you can hire someone (or recruit your children). You can also just publish raw and real footage. Depending on your business type and brand, sometimes having unedited content may even help you connect better to your client base.

Posting videos on this social channel is great for professional B2B content. LinkedIn rewards videos content by sharing it with more of your contacts than traditional text or picture posts. If you upload video directly (natively embed it) versus linking to YouTube, you will reach an even larger audience. Here, you’ll want to upload your video directly to their platforms. You can boost your videos and/or run them as ads to get a larger reach but continue to post and repost your videos organically on your accounts. Even if you think your content is all business and not playful enough – get creative and don’t miss these channels as Facebook has nearly 2 billion users and twitter has over 300 million. For Facebook specifically, you can ‘pin’ a post to the top of your post. So no matter how many posts you create after that, this ‘pinned’ post will always remain on top.