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Advices for teeth whitening

John Concrane 0

Do you want white teeths? Here are some teeth whitening advices. A diet high in fruits and vegetables may be good for both your body and your teeth. While they’re no substitute for brushing your teeth, crunchy, raw fruits and vegetables can help rub plaque away as you chew. In particular, strawberries and pineapple are two fruits that have been claimed to help whiten your teeth. Whitening your teeth with a strawberry and baking soda mixture is a natural remedy that has been made popular by celebrities. Proponents of this method claim that the malic acid found in strawberries will remove discoloration on your teeth, while the baking soda will buff away stains.

Oil pulling is the term for washing the mouth with oil to remove dirt, bacteria, and debris. It is not a substitute for regular brushing or flossing, but some research suggests that washing the mouth with certain oils may help to whiten the teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) consider oil pulling to be unconventional dentistry, stating, “there are no reliable scientific studies to show that oil pulling reduces cavities, whitens teeth, or improves oral health and well-being.” To try this method, rinse the mouth with oil for a minute after brushing, then spit it out.

While in-office, light-activated procedures can jumpstart the whitening process, professional take-home kits sold in dental offices work very well to keep your pearly whites, well, pearly, compared to teeth-whitening products found in drug stores. According to Dr. Klein, custom whitening molds can be extremely effective in teeth whitening at home, especially when combined with a light-activated procedure. Or you can skip the pricey procedures and products and try one of these 10 natural teeth whitener remedies at home. Unfortunately, toothpastes that advertise whitening powers don’t stick around long enough to deliver on their promise. “Some have whitening solution in them, but usually they’re not on the teeth long enough to be effective,” Dr. Klein says. And they won’t intrinsically change the internal color of your teeth effectively. Instead, they use abrasive ingredients to remove surface stains from things like cigarette smoke and coffee. Whitening formulas can also make teeth sensitive over time.

Ditch the harsh chemicals and bleaches, and choose a natural whitening toothpaste that uses gentle plant ingredients to lighten your teeth. Aloe Dent natural toothpaste has a whitening paste made with aloe vera and essential oils to whiten your teeth without stripping the enamel. Did you know that you can use activated charcoal to naturally whiten your teeth? It seems counter-intuitive to use a black powder to promote whiter teeth, but this all-natural remedy really works. Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent substance which pulls out impurities like tannins that can stain your teeth. Natural toothpaste Ecodenta contains activated charcoal along with other natural whitening ingredients for naturally brighter teeth. Read more details at TWG.