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Sciatica clinic in Allen, Texas

John Concrane 0

Several advices to prevent neck pain. Quit smoking. It’s well known that smoking raises your risk for heart disease and cancer, including lung and colon cancers, but most people don’t realize that smoking also can be a cause of persistent back pain. Research also shows smoking can make existing back pain worse. It’s not entirely clear how smoking affects back health, but one possibility is that it narrows blood vessels. Narrowed blood vessels result in less oxygen and nutrients reaching the spine and, in turn, it becomes more susceptible to injury and slower to heal.

Change your shoes: Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes to prevent back pain. They reduce the strain on your back while standing. Shoes with less than a 1-inch heel are the best bet for your back. Straighten up: Good posture isn’t just a way to look more proper. It protects the intricate pieces of your spine to keep them healthy and functioning properly. Bad posture puts strain and stress on your back and can change the architecture of your spine. Avoid rounding your shoulders, slouching, or bending sideways when standing.

At Allen Health Chiropractic, we use decompression therapy as a non-surgical meathod of releiving upper, mid, lower and neck pain. The spine is made up of dozens of bones and cushioned by a discs called intervertebral discs. Over time with use and poor posture the discs will degenerate wich affects the intervertebral discs. Spinal decompression was designed and proven to be an effective way to releive pain in those who suffer from neck and back pain. Decompression treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes. Exact details are entered in to a computer and the program begins to releive pressure. Spinal decompression mainly releived pressure and pain in the back and neck area. See more info on Spinal decompression therapy.

Usually, lower back pain gets better in a few days or weeks and often you don’t need to see your GP. See our section on symptoms above for some advice about when to seek medical help. There are a number of things you can do to help relieve back pain. Stay active and continue your daily activities as normally as you can. However, remember to take care when lifting or twisting your back. Doctors used to advise bed rest, but now we know it can make back pain worse. Try to avoid sitting for long periods. Do exercises and stretches – see our section on exercises for lower back pain below.Take over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs, for example ibuprofen) if you need pain relief. Paracetamol alone probably doesn’t work well for back pain. You should only take these medicines for a short time, not for long-term back pain. See our section on treatment below for more information about painkillers.You may want to try applying heat or cold treatments to your back. Remember not to apply ice directly to your skin.

First, lay flat on the floor or mat, one leg extended and the next bent. Loop the band or towel around the ball of the extended foot. Holding each side of the band or towel, gently pull towards the chest. Feel the stretch in the calf muscle? Now hold for 30 seconds on each leg for 3 sets. With arthritis, the hips, knees and even hamstrings are problematic. A kneeling lunge loosens up the hamstring and opens the hips. Use proper form to avoid injury. This is especially helpfull in loosening up the lower back. To start, kneel on a comfortable mat on the floor. Step the right foot forward with the knee bent, similar to performing a lunge. Make sure the knee is at a 90-degree angle. Press both hands into the right thigh, shifting the upper body forward. The stretch stimulates the hips and hamstring. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then change legs. Three times per leg is enough to get the hips, knees, and hamstring ready to go.

It is absolutely normal for someone who has never visited a chiropractor to ask questions in order to have a comprehensive knowledge of what chiropractic treatment entails. Anxiety and fear of the unexpected could mount certain difficulties which are common as with anything. To aid a better understanding of the chiropractic profession, The Texas Chiropractic Association enlighten the public on what the profession represents, procedures and the expectations after every appointment. Calling your local chiropractic clinic to request a consultation is the easiest way of finding out exactly what to expect. We offer free consultations, contact us here or call us if you have any questions. Source: