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How to eliminate pimples?

Amelia Whitehart 0

Don’t forget about the beauty sleep! You may find the expression “beauty sleep” exaggerated, but know that it is not so. Very little stress and sleep increase the production of sebum from the skin, which, in combination with dust and dirt, blocks the respiration of the pores and thus the pimples appear. So sleep 8 hours a night and, if you can, at least 30 minutes at lunch.

Moisturizing cream suitable for oily skin, with problems should be in the form of gel, as easy as possible, that does not overload the skin and does not clog pores. If the skin is very dry, classic creams and moisturizing lotions are recommended. But if your skin has oily areas alternating with very dry areas, experts recommend the use of two types of products. It may be more difficult, at least at the beginning of treatment, but it is better for dry areas to receive extra attention and dermatocosmetic products to be as specific as possible. Prior to applying the cream, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with plenty of water or even thermal water spray, which can calm the skin irritation and inflammation.Trying to apply specific anti-acne products. Read extra details on What are blackheads.

During an exacerbation, when the skin is very red and the lesions are painful, however difficult it may be, the specialists recommend avoiding the application of the foundation. It would be best to avoid leaving the house and staying with your face treatment, rather than interrupting it to make up for it. If, however, you apply foundation, powder or blush, try to coat it in a finer layer, to have a consistency as easy and necessarily to remove it by rigorous makeup at the end of the day.

Although acne is considered a specific condition of puberty, it can manifest itself even at older ages. Therefore, specialists insist that, regardless of age, we must take care of our skin and respect its needs for hydration, toning and even treatment. Whenever skin problems appear, it is best to consult a dermatologist, so as to avoid aggravation. The earlier the treatment is instituted, the sooner the healing will occur and there will be no signs. Read extra info on What are whiteheads.

Do ice the zit. If you’ve got a swollen pimple on your face that’s causing pain, reach for an ice cube. Wrap it in a thin cloth and set it on the offending spot for three to four minutes. Repeat throughout the day to relieve pain and temporarily reduce swelling. Do tone down on toner. When you have a, shall we say, disturbance in the force, any astringents can “disrupt the skin barrier and cause inflammation and irritation,” says Dr. Zeichner. Unless you have very oily skin, skip the zit itself when you’re doing this step in your skin care routine. (And in that case, a gentle toner like Avene’s Eau Thermale, $20, is your best bet.)

Vanicream comes in a convenient tub with a pump for easy dispensing. This formula was created without the use of lanolin, formaldehyde, or parabens. It’s also free of other ingredients that can cause irritation or allergies like dyes and fragrance. This moisturizer from Vanicream can be used on all types of skin, even those with sensitivities. It works all over the body, including the face and neck. This cream can work well for skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and winter itch and has actually been awarded the seal of acceptance by the National Eczema Association.

We suggest avoiding spot treatments. “Benzoyl peroxide, when placed on red spots, can actually cause more irritation and inflammation to the area. It’s best used to prevent red bumps and pustules, and applied all over the area you want to treat,” said Townsend, who was also quick to naysay a spot-treat-only approach: “Acne affects all of the pores. If someone is going to spot treat against my advice, I still suggest they spot treat one day and treat the whole face the next.” Read more info on Treatment for cystic pimples.