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Best quality private label hemp seed & hemp extract supplements manufacturer

Marian Vasilescu 0

Trying to find the top quality private label sports nutrition supplements manufacturer? A benefit of private label nutritional supplements is that it gives your company a professional image. Shipping items to customers with your company’s name and logo will look more professional than shipping out products displaying the manufacturer’s name. You want to increase your brand visibility and make a statement in the industry. Using a supplement manufacturer will be far cheaper than purchasing the products wholesale and using drop shipping. Going the manufacturing route will guarantee that you get a product with your name and logo, giving you the option of shipping them to your customers or putting them right on store shelves without any delays. You must also consider that with a good manufacturer, the product will arrive ready to go, and you won’t have to waste your time labeling every single bottle.

Hemp seed and extract have impressively seen a massive increase in search engine inquiry frequency, with 61% increase within the last 5 years. As the uses for hemp continues to grow, so does the market, making it a highly lucrative market segment for savvy private label retailers. Gummy supplements are an industry favorite since they’re easy to ingest and taste like candy. Due to the higher melting point, pectin gummies are able to withstand hotter temperatures than gelatin gummies, making them easier to ship and produce without issues.

Softgel manufacturing professionals: Compared to a standard tablet or hard shell capsule, the human body will actually absorb more nutrients from a formula ingested in a softgel form, under normal conditions. Our softgel manufacturing services are a hit with our clients due to our flexible and economical nature, as well as our lower order minimums when compared to that of most manufacturers. We have a strong internal quality control department that closely monitors the entire softgel manufacturing process from start to finish. Find additional info at Private Label Products.

Not sure which one is right for your brand? Consider the following: White Label (Stock) Supplements. If you’re seriously considering entry into the supplement industry, and it’s your first time doing so, consider the use of market-validated stock supplement first. This option is best for the vast majority of sellers exploring a new product option. Any type of white label gummy supplements are perfect for those who are testing the viability of this new supplement to their target audience – the minimum order quantities are lower and the turnaround time on reorders is very fast, so you will not need to order as much as if you had decided to proceed with a custom formulation. Ultimately this leaves you little more flexible and better prepared for any surprises that may occur within the course of your new product campaign. This extra flexibility can be invaluable to your new gummy product’s continued supply chain stability.

What makes an effective private label supplement product? First, it requires an understanding of the nature of the ingredients, a certain level of sophistication and knowledge is needed to ensure the compatibility of the ingredients involved in producing the high-quality products that you seek to sell. Additionally, you want to make sure that your supplement supplier is not cutting corners on the quality of the raw materials used just to get you a lower price. Private Label Express’ experienced staff of purchasers and formulators are at your service during this whole process helping to make sure that your brand stays on track for on-going success. From start to finish, we assist you in whatever you need to make your dream come to life. We’re not interested in a transactional relationship, we’re looking for a collaborative business partners in creating a supplement that’s going to sell time and time again. At Private Label Express, we are committed to the ongoing success of your brand and your very own private label supplement formulation. See extra information at Private Label Supplements.