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Robots are the new helpers

John Concrane 0

The introduction of EMILY (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard) is making the process easier. EMILY was developed by a company named Hydronalix to assist victims of hurricane and flooding. Twenty-four hours after hurricane Dorian occurred in Abaco Island in the Bahamas, rescuers used EMILY to provide aid to people. EMILY is a water vehicle that utilizes sonar technology. Emily can indicate where underwater debris is as it would impede navigation. EMILY is also remoted controlled. EMILY can be also sent to someone lost at sea. The water vehicle has handles victims can hold on to and use to pull themselves out of the water.

This study found that the group of seniors that interacted with Paro became less lonely. This wasn’t the case with the second group. The other group of seniors that participated in other interactive activities away from the retirement home became lonelier. Also, a living dog was brought to the home every day so that the seniors can interact with it. It was observed that these seniors were more interactive when it came to Paro as compared to the living dog. Read even more details at this website.

The National Robotics Week is one event you cannot afford to miss as a robotics enthusiast. It is packed with activities and grassroots events. Taking place in April 2020, RoboWeek runs from the 4th till the 12th of the month. The purpose of this event is to celebrate and create awareness of the importance and strength of the U.S robotics industry. It also aims at promoting the robotics industry by exhibiting the cultural and social impact robotics have, and will have in time to come. The 2020 RoboWeek sets out to inspire students across backgrounds in robotics and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related fields, enabling them to share their ideas and excitement with audiences. You can support and celebrate the RoboWeek anywhere in the U.S by hosting the event in your community, sharing the word on social media, attending any of the events or by sponsorship.

On the other side, most scholars define robots as: ‘an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform intended tasks. Autonomy in this context means the ability to perform intended tasks based on current state and sensing, without human intervention’. And with this definition, polemics is on the cards! For instance, surgical robots lack autonomy. However, they are still considered robots. Who defines the ‘intended tasks’: the robot, the programmer, or the user? Would a self-driving car be considered a robot? How about a smart vacuum cleaner? Despite the vagueness of the definition and the numerous questions it raises, one thing is for sure: “I can’t define a robot, but I know one when I see one.” (Joseph Engelberger). So let’s experience some robotic magic together. Additional info at this press release website.

Aluminum is a popular choice for robot makers thanks to its distinct properties. It is lightweight, easy to machine, and rust-resistant. Those properties enable aluminum to use as a single part with complex shapes. It can also handle fragile objects and absorb impacts at the same time. However, those properties also make aluminum less affordable than steel. Technology also offers ways to process its surface that makes your robot presentable. This makes aluminum to be both used as a structural part without worrying about its looks. Aluminum can help to show off your heavy-duty robots for commercial purposes.

A breakdown of the purchase of robots shows that about $446 million was spent by American companies to buy 8,572 robots, a 19.2% growth in the orders made as well as a 0.6% increase in dollars in the second quarter of 2019. However, industrial robots in the first quarter of 2018 boasted of a higher unit of order than in 2019. North American companies spent a whopping $423 million to buy 7,876 robots from January to March of 2019 but it is 3.5% short of what was expended in the previous year.

Small business connection – There are plenty of examples of smaller businesses not having access to the same technology as their rivals. With the Internet of Things, smaller businesses are more likely to have access to technology that they couldn’t usually afford. Time will tell just how powerful this revolution is. It could be that we’re only at the start and Industry 4.0 will change manufacturing in ways we never thought possible. What is clear is that we’re a million miles away from the steam-powered machines of the 18th century. Find additional information at this press release website.