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Bilingual audio books English/Chinese

Patrick Moreau 0

Bilingual audio books benefits and model good interpretive reading : Of course, it’s never too late to learn something new, but according to studies, children do best when introduced to other languages early on. In fact, research shows that babies start learning language sounds in utero and can distinguish between their mother’s language and another language from birth! So, little kids are well-prepared to learn a second language. Bilingual skills help children acquire problem-solving skills.

It’s definitely less frustrating to read without having to use a translation app or dictionary, and bilingual e-books (as opposed to just bilingual books) also have the added advantage of separate dictionary look-ups if you’re using an e-reader like a Kindle. For example, if you’re reading a bilingual e-book that switches between original text and translation every page, you can choose to just look up a single word with your default dictionary rather than flipping to the next page and spoiling your initial try at interpreting the general meaning of the text.

The street epistemology teaches us how to do so. It consists partly in pushing the interlocutor to ask himself questions. The questions we ask ourselves do not meet the defensive stubbornness that questions asked by a third party meet. This audio guide is bilingual: that is, it presents itself as a language learning tool. The title indicates that it is a parody of the practical guides. A “serious” guide would not be concerned about helping the guru to build his enterprise. Because this bilingual audio book is often fun, offering it to a member-of-a-cult friend, or relative, is not perceived as a threat, or as a criticism of his choices.

Increased Comprehension. Researchers believe that one can memorize the story when he/she listens to it. A person does not have to invest energy to decode the word with audiobooks. These books are productive in terms of memorizing the content of the story. Build Confidence. Students are independent in the class to use audiobooks. Ultimately, they learn quickly and speak accurate words. The phenomenon builds their confidence. They perform impressively in the school and out of school. Multiple advantages of Audiobooks make them a favorite choice of many people. That is why; people prefer audiobooks to printed books. Read extra details on Bilingual audio books English/Hindi.

If money is available for purchasing audiobooks, it is important for librarians and teachers to do their homework before buying. Single-author unabridged audiobooks tend to be the best, though some dramatizations (such as Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy, read by the author with a cast of more than 40 British actors) can be excellent. There are many sources of audiobook reviews readily available online, including School Library Journal. [Note: The Association for Library Service for Children also publishes an annual Notable Children’s Recordings list.]

Builds background knowledge. Students in grades 3-8 come to the classroom with differing experiences for sure, but those who’ve also struggled with reading arrive even less prepared. Human-read audiobooks expose students to academic vocabulary and the language of books. This exposure helps build their background knowledge, an essential component to an evolving student. It also helps develop higher-order thinking skills. The ability to build background quickly through audiobooks cannot be underestimated. If students are left to read only materials at their reading level, they lose out. They lose opportunities to get access to content and information that represents their capabilities and intellect. This is not only frustrating and causes emotional stress, but also limits learning experiences.

The children listened…. and their parents too. Listening was not felt as a chore but as a delight. So, we decided to prepare bilingual audiobooks from “classical” works. Then, we thought we should publish contemporary short works in at least 2 languages (by the way, if you are the happy author of a work up to 25.000 words, prepare to submit it.) We propose mostly human voices, because to listen to synthetic voices feels… synthetic. But, whatever their accent, the synthetic voices offer a faultless pronunciation, which is important for the student. So, we prepare some sound files with synthetic voices. See even more information on Learning tool for blind people.