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Top single mailbox for all email ids server side solution today

Amelia Whitehart 0

Fast single mailbox providers with A rare gem. Mutant Mail is a god send for those who manage multiple domains. It eliminates the need to setup multiple email accounts within email clients or check multiple webmails regularly as all emails are forwarded to a single email of your choosing. When one replies to an email, it gets sent out exactly as if it was sent via the domain owner (so the user has no clue any forwarder was used). See extra info at one mailbox. Pricing: Despite being an innovative and unique solution, we are Cheaper than fin. Infact you can start Free with us, and our highest plan cost less than Starbucks Coffee.

How different is this from fastmail service? The most important difference is, we don’t store any emails at all. We have taken that out of the equation, because we all already have at least one email provider, that we trust with privacy. Now since we have not used the service our self, it’s difficult to say how they do forwarding and can you reply to those forwarded emails or not. Also, since they store emails, it’s doubtful that they help with the niche we are specifically into, to let you manage all your domain emails from a single Inbox. There are two kinds of products on market, one that tries to do all. That’s what FastMail seems to be doing, competing against Gmail directly. Other types of products are niche-specific. That’s Mutant Mail, we are a solution to a specific problem of managing all domain’s emails, from one Inbox, on the server-side, without the hassle of logging into each email id. And our settings, features, roadmap reflect the same.

Though it’s assumed text format email are safer than HTML emails, there are no stats to prove it. The amount of link and their relevance towards email is directly related to the email quality. Testing your email campaigns before sending: Email campaigns can be a great way to reach out to customers and promote your business, but if they’re not well-crafted, they can quickly fall into the spam trap. Before sending out your next email campaign, be sure to test it for potential spam issues. There are several things you can do to test your campaign and ensure that it will reach its target audience: First, use a spam checker tool such as Mail Tester, to scan your campaign for potential problems. These tools can help you identify common issues that can lead to emails being flagged as spam.

Does Mutant Mail Work with only Gmail as recipient or other emails work too? Mutant Mail works with any and every Email ID as their recipient email id. Including but not limited to Gmail, hotmail, yahoo, outlook, yandex, self hosted email etc. Only requirement for Recipient email id is, it should exist outside the Mutant Mail system. As it will need to hold all your emails. Can I send an email as well from my domains associated with Mutant Mail? Of course you can. But remember, our primary focus is to focus on the reply system instead of send system. As monitor and reply is the main hassle with owning so many email ids. And that’s exactly what we are trying to solve.

Just like email plus sign (+) you can create email ids on the fly for any domain associated with Mutant Mail. Another advantage of using Mutant Mail is that it is much easier to remember than an email address with a plus sign. With Mutant Mail, you simply use your regular email address (e.g., as recipient and create your email ids on associate domain on the fly. This makes it simpler and faster to send emails to your contacts even with new email ids. Finally, using Mutant Mail provides a layer of protection against spam emails by ensuring all emails are from legitimate Mail server, verified on SPF, DKIM and DMARC record. Not just that, ever email on Mutant Mail passes through antivirus system to ensure, no malware or virus is attached to an email. Find additional info at

What is the difference between the “Delete” and “Forget” actions for an email ID? The difference between Delete and Forget is due to the catch-all. The delete can be used even if catch-all is enabled. It’s a soft delete and a marker is kept in a database to ensure, the email id doesn’t automatically get created on the fly when a new email is sent to the deleted email id. Forget on the other hand is to completely delete the email id. If used, the email id and all its record are deleted from our database. But if it is being used on the catch-all enabled domain, the email id will be re-created on the fly as soon as it receives a new email. Forget option doesn’t contribute towards email id count, delete does, as a soft delete happens. We send detailed information on this via email and similar things on the third day of onboarding.