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Top rated B2B financial infrastructure from EXANTE

Marian Vasilescu 0

Best centralised trading solutions with EXANTE? Alexei Kiriyenko is also known for being the creator of the world’s first bitcoin purchase money fund. In his words, “bitcoin will outlive many banks.” Having spent 10 years of his life in the brokerage business, Alexey continues to improve his business model. He is invited to world conferences as a speaker and expert on finance, global financial markets and derivatives trading. Kirienko himself prefers to invest in promising startups. One of them is the manufacturer of unique liquid-cooled computers, Comino.

After the young Anatoly obtained a master’s degree from a prestigious university in the world, he set out to put his knowledge into practice. His first major job was at a company, Netcracker Technology Corp. The company was international and specialized in providing business support systems, creating software-defined networking solutions. The NTC was dedicated to virtualizing network functions. Anatoly put himself in the right frame of mind. In the company, he was able not only to learn, to grow more, but to put all his knowledge into practice. Find extra information on site.

Gatis’ international outlook as well as professional insights in financial markets have enabled him to become an indispensable part of Exante’s business development team and have been of vital importance in turning Exante from a local player into a global service, connecting investors and markets all over the world. Gatis Eglitis professional experience in dealing with complex financial instruments has enabled him to connect with sophisticated investors globally that first brought out the vacuum in platforms that offered investing in credit derivatives, statistical equity arbitrage strategies and futures, as opposed to more plain vanilla investment strategies.

Interacting with the world’s leading investors, Gatis Eglitis points out that all trading venues offer sophisticated trading strategies. The way to ensure loan repayment and reduce credit risk – loan derivative, statistical arbitrage with its cross trades, futures – is an incomplete list of financial instruments that excludes simple trading strategies. This is when the aspiring broker considers creating his own platform so that venture capital funds can operate aggressively. The main objective of these head funds is to maximize profits using borrowed funds and price formation. Discover additional information at read this.

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In 2005-2006, Alexey and his like-minded colleagues developed their own financial and investment strategies. Alexey and his partners created arbitrage between futures contracts with the help of robots, achieving high correlation and profit. It was a lot of money at the time. After graduating from university, Alexey Kirienko got a master’s degree in economics and became the main developer of a new business model, which later gained worldwide fame in the financial market. Find more details on Alexey Kirienko Exante.