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Highly Sensitive People

Patrick Moreau 0

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : If you are highly intuitive and make decisions based on your gut feeling, research shows that you might be on the sensitive side. Moreover, if you can feel that something is wrong with a person and can predict how people think, you are probably a sensitive person. Again, due to your deep processing, you have a rich inner world. As a child, you may have had several imaginary friends, enjoyed fantasy-based play, and were prone to daydreaming. As an adult, you may have vividly realistic dreams.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Ask yourself why you feel the way you do. For example, did you have high expectations for how something would turn out and then became upset when it didn’t turn out the way you wanted? Or did someone say something to you that you found offensive? Identify exactly what caused you to feel sensitive and why it made you feel that way. Often, unmet needs and unmet expectations lead to hurt feelings.

So, you are super sensitive. So what? That isn’t the end of the world. Being very sensitive to stimuli around you is okay. The 21st century contains more labels than any other century. There is a label for literally everything. Almost as if there was a secret, invisible influencing force, people tend to judge and discriminate based on these futile labels. Unfortunately, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a label too. More info on Self Care Tips for Sensitive People.

The first step towards being less sensitive is to acknowledge your feelings. Introspect and try to figure out how exactly you’re feeling. Being able to put a label on your feelings reduces denial. Once you have acknowledged your feelings, try and understand why you feel that way. For example, you might be feeling depressed. Look back on events and find the source that has triggered that. Perhaps something at work, something a loved one said or maybe something as subtle as the weather. Unfulfilled expectations can lead to a feeling of frustration. Knowing the stressors can help you manage chaos better.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Often has bad days that affect eating and/or sleeping habits in an unhealthy way, such as eating or sleeping too much or too little. Often experiences tension or anxiety.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Alternatively, often discusses negative emotions with others because there’s a lot of “drama” in one’s life.

Being a Exceptionally Sensitive Person also sometimes known as (HSP or ESP) is a bitter reality. There are many human beings on this globe who are categorized as an ESP. We can also say that almost every human being on this planet is an sensitive person in one way or another. Some or the other sensitive trace is there in each of us. Now, let’s talk about some with various traits in this article. More info about Traits to identify sensitive person.

Although highly sensitive people are not necessarily empaths, HSPs tend to “absorb” other people’s emotions, almost like an empath would. It’s not unusual for an HSP to walk into a room and immediately sense the moods of the people in it. That’s because highly sensitive people are very aware of subtleties — including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice — that others may miss. Pair this with the sensitive person’s naturally high levels of empathy, and it’s no wonder HSPs feel emotions that are not their own. As a result, highly sensitive people tend to suffer from frequent emotional exhaustion.

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