Brave Heart veteran housing Atlanta, Georgia by Positive Transition Services? PTS is truly honored to award Attorney JoshKirschner from Morris, Manning & Martin, LLPwith the distinguished Volunteer Attorney of theYear award with Positive Transition Services,Inc.??As a result of Attorney Kirschner’s passion,expertise, zeal, and knowledge, all of PTS’scritical legal needs were swiftly met amidst thepeak of the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate Attorney Kirschner for restoringstability and security! We’ve also recently been recognized by the GeorgiaDepartment of Community Supervision as aStructured Housing provider in the THORdirectory.
At Positive Transition Services, we firmly believe thatthe key to ensuring the lives we help rebuild remainthat way requires a comprehensive and holisticapproach. Our approach gives the populations weserve the best chance at getting off the streets andstaying off the streets. Along with the belowmentioned services, we offer Free onsitepersonalized recovery treatment and substanceabuse prevention services.
Positive Transition Services non-profit where we are committed to fighting to end homelessness by maximizing resources and minimizing gaps! Our #1 goal is to ensure we transition lives that are meaningful and positive through affordable housing and supportive services. Bartola Anderson is a well-educated professional dedicated to serving her community in any way possible. The Atlanta native struggled for years with homelessness, depression, poverty, and addiction- all while single-handedly raising two children in a high crime environment. Eventually, Ms. Anderson reconnected with Christ and successfully turned her life around. She attended Clayton State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and obtained her Master’s Degree in Education from Central Michigan University. As a woman with difficult experiences of her own, Ms. Anderson routinely draws on her first-hand experience during the everyday operation of Positive Transition Services. She knows how valuable a helping hand can be in a trying time. It can literally be the difference between someone overcoming or succumbing to their trials in life.
PTS provides free transportation emergency assistance to helpindividuals gain employment, pickup medications, make criticaldoctor appointments timely, maintain ongoing counselingservices, and recovery treatment services. We have also spent$5.000 in COVID-19 relief which has included free Uber andLyft rides to get tested. Educate and empower our residents through to process ofhelping them understand financial, credit, and debtmanagement. We also partner with local banks to assist ourresidents with obtaining checking and saving accounts.
Positive Transition Services Intern Spotlight: What would you say is your biggest impact with PTS and our clients? I would say the most impactful thing for me thus far is having the opportunity to hear theirstories, see their desire to be better, and have the opportunity to be apart of thattransition. Whether the outcomes are good or bad, being a part of that process is alwaysrewarding. What are your plans after completing your internship? My plans after completion of this internship are to enter my Clinical and final year ofgraduate school at Clark Atlanta University, graduate next Spring, obtain my licensure, andto continue working in the field of Social Work. I have been working in Social Work for thelast 13 years. This degree is just the piece I have been missing. Find more details at
Recently, we had an appreciation luncheon for theamazing staff at Shamrock Gardens Apartments inhonor of their awesome efforts in assuring that PTSruns smoothly.This small token of appreciation could never amountto the over and above exemplary service we receiveon a daily basis.Our success as an organization is in part with support from organizations like ShamrockGardens.They are truly PTS family and we appreciate all they do! Hats off to an amazing staff!!!